John Ngoh, Financial Management Advisor

Type of Project: Overseeing the financial management of numerous micro-loan recipients
Request: Loan
Location(s): Cameroon, Africa
Recipient: John Ngoh

John Ngoh is the Senior Pastor of Missions for Christ International Ministries in Cameroon, Africa. He splits his time there with time in Tulsa, Oklahoma serving as the Associate Director of Health Teams International. As a pastor in Cameroon, he sees first-hand the devastation and struggle of unemployment and financial strife.

He approached Trade Palms with the idea of being the financial manager of several micro-loans to various church members and Bible school students.

His micro-loan recipients are the following:

Daniel Frambo—to sell provisions and cosmetics

Eugene Gwashi—to sell cooking utensils

Sally Ngeke Mofembe — to purchase a motorcycle

  • Her husband Peter successfully completed his first loan with Trade Palms and is in the midst of his second loan. This is Sally’s first loan with Trade Palms.

Mary Akwoong Manjoh—to purchase a car and employ a driver

  • Successfully completed her first and second loan with Trade Palms and is now on her third loan.

E. Stidkenu—to sell communication credit cards

Emerencia Binwi—to raise and sell pigs and chickens

  • Successfully completed her first loan with Trade Palms and is in the midst of her second loan.