Ana Maria Mejia

Type of Project: Loan
Request: Loan to open a shop and sell hand-sewn & embroidered products
Location(s): San Lucas Toliman, Solola, Guatemala
Recipient: Ana María Julajuj Mejia

Ana María has a close knit family. She lives with her two sisters, her two children, and her aging father. Realizing the need for income in order to care for the family, Ana María asked Trade Palms for a loan to open a retail shop that she would operate out of the home. This was a family endeavor from the onset. Her sisters (Florinda and María Francisca) are also Trade Palms loan recipients. It was Ana María’s desire to sell the embroidered products that her sisters made.

Not only does Ana María benefit the community with her shop, she provides help to the youth group at her church. With the income of her business, she hopes to increase her tithe and be proactive in sharing what God has done in her life.

Ana María began this venture in 2010 and continues to be successful today.