Hector Aroldo Choguaj Jacinto

Type of Project: Loan
Request: Loan to purchase a Toyota Tacoma pickup in order to provide a taxi service
Location(s): San Lucas Tolimán, Solola, Guatemala
Recipient: Hector Aroldo Choguaj Jacinto

As a mason from the age of 18, Aroldo has worked his way up to being the boss. He’s been the mason foreman and project manager for multiple mission trips with one of Trade Palms own missionaries and founding members, Candace Kaster.

In 2012, Aroldo came to Trade Palms with a small request, but a big vision. He wished to purchase a used pickup truck and add bars and railing to the bed in order to transport people. It was a simple “truck for hire” endeavor. However, Aroldo thought beyond the simple task of transporting people from location to location. His vision was to use his pickup truck to bring people to church, to move musical instruments and equipment for his church, and meet the various needs of the people in his congregation. Aroldo views this pickup truck as more than just a vehicle, but a ministry opportunity. He does not hesitate to share his personal story of transformation with those he serves.