Type of Project: Financial Management
Request: Donation Management
Location(s): Santa Cruz Quixayá, San Lucas Tolimán, Solola, Guatemala
Recipient: Jorge Armando Tzunun Gonzalez & Eduardo Israel Tzunun Gonzalez

APDISCA, translated in English to the Association of Disabled People, was formed by two brothers with disabilities and their parents.  In Guatemala, as in other cultures, to be disabled is a basically a sentence to a life secluded at home, unattached to the world outside.  APDISCA’s goal is to change this.  Their purpose is to bring awareness and education to their community, assist those with disabilities, provide them with appropriate resources, and equip them for a successful future. 

APDISCA was created by two brothers who have known the harsh realities of living with disabilities.  Jorge Armando Tzunun Gonzalez and his brother Eduardo Israel were both born with cataracts on their eyes.  A detached retina has left Jorge completely blind, and Eduardo is blind in his left eye and has minimal vision in his right eye, which will eventually leave Eduardo blind.  However, Jorge and Eduardo have determined to help others with disabilities through APDISCA.  Eduardo writes, “We believe our studies, our Christian values, our faith, and our principles will guide us in doing something positive for other people with disabilities,” With the support of Trade Palms managing donations from U.S. based donors, APDISCA has been able to lay the ground work for their organization and make positive strides toward improving the lives of more than 40 disabled people in the communities surrounding their hometown. 

APDISCA continues to be a growing organization, assisting those with physical, visual, auditory, mental, and intellectual disabilities.