Ebai James Obale

Type of Project: Loan
Request: Loan to begin a business of buying and selling dresses
Location(s): Limbe, Cameroon
Recipient: Ebai James Obale

Ebai James Obale is a graduate of the Victory Bible Institute (VBI) Cameroon School of Ministry as well as the VBI Cameroon School of Leadership. He has a heart for outreach and evangelism which is evident in his radio preaching program he broadcasts from Eternity Gospel Radio in Limbe, Cameroon.

Ebai came to Trade Palms with the idea of buying and selling dresses in the various markets around Limbe, selling in offices, and operating a fashion shop center. His desire was not only to generate income to support his own outreach endeavors, but help others gain a source of living under his employ.

With his focus and determination, Ebai successfully completed his loan project in less than two years. The income created from sales has allowed him to support his evangelism efforts and increase his own hospital outreach.